Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching Up

It has been three years since I blogged here. There are just too many locations to write online and I can't keep up with my own blogging. I think I have two others elsewhere, but can't name them at the moment.

Writing is good and getting better. That time in San Miguel was more about planting myself in an MFA program than anything else. I left the Univ of New Orleans and switched to Spalding University. I find the environment at Spalding suits me better...there's a lot of nurturing and that's what I need at this point in my creativity.

Coming out of a Criminal Justice degree I wanted more creative experiences but found myself stuck in academia with UNO. I'm sure they taught me something about western world writing expectations. I am yet to find the niche but I think I'm getting there better in my current program.

This year I will be going to Italy for more writing and I am excited about the upcoming trip.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today-July 29, 2008 - Tuesday

Working on "The Book of Angel" and "The Dream" simultaneously. My goal is to finish both by mid next year. My publisher awaits!

Having just returned from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico has proved inspirational for me. I expected a different Mexico, one like Day-Effay: DF, Mexico City. It was a town taken over by gringos, foreigners. I wanted to see the real indigenous people live, but there was a certain fear I experienced being alone there. My Spanish a little rusty but gaining by each spoken word. Instead, I did get Starbucks, Harry's of New Orleans, and many little touristy souvenir shops. The awesome Cathedral of San Miguel sat in the middle of El Jardin (the garden) looming over its constant photo snapping digital takers. I went in and sat somewhere towards the back. I looked closely at the tiles of years and the icons of hope. I felt some hope too.

On July 12, 2008, I reunited with my sister's son. It had been 28 years of missing family. He is a grown man now, with a beautiful Mexican wife and two gorgeous children. One has a name like mine. We quickly catch up. I look for common features and traits of our La Chica family. I see a strong man looking for the same traits in me. I am his mother for the weekend. I see him look at me remembering her. We ask the questions inside. We don't want to tread too heavily. This is only a weekend. We will have more time, I am hopeful, for more answers and connections.